When you've put a lot of time, money and effort into producing your documents, you only want to entrust them to a high-quality translation service. Same when you are organizing a conference with foreign interlocutors. If you need a highly competent interpreter or translator, the team at Joseph Blain Inc. in Montreal is here for you. In this article, we outline the information we'll need from you when you request a quote and explain why it's important.
Language choice
Ideally, the translator should be a native speaker who can accurately translate the text into the target language. They'll be best able to detect nuances and cultural references. Those subtleties can get lost in translation without the right level of knowledge.
Quantity and type of work
How much work will be required for a high-quality translation largely depends on the length of the source text. The cost estimate is based on the number of words to be translated. It also factors in the nature of the writing, whether it's a press release, technical report, book, brochure, website or another type of document.
For interpretation services, the quote request should include details such as the type of interpretation needed (conference, remote), the event duration (several hours, several days) and the event's location.
Degree of difficulty
The difficulty and skill level required for a translation can vary, with texts ranging from legal documents and technical manuals to creative works like songs and books. In any case, accurate translation demands a thorough understanding of the source text and the intended audience.
Delivery timeline
The turnaround time for a translated document can differ significantly depending on its complexity. It is therefore important to specify your deadline in the quote request.
When you need an interpreter or translator in Montreal, trust our team!
At Joseph Blain Inc., our goal is to provide you with an accurate, reliable cost estimate. To do so, we gather sufficient information from our clients before providing a quote. This helps protect our clients from surprise costs and makes sure they're fully aware of what's included in our services. To ensure your treasured documents are in good hands and your conference a success, contact Joseph Blain Inc.