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Do you have a video conference with partners speaking another language, and do you need qualified interpreters capable of offering quality assistance? Whether for conferences, seminars, or virtual professional meetings, Joseph Blain inc provides you with a team passionate about multilingual communication, experienced and specialized in video remote interpretation in Montreal.

Remote Video Interpretation

Businesses and international organizations can require this service, typically involving interpretation software such as Zoom.

Suppose you don't want to worry about the technical aspects of a remote interpreting event. In that case, we can provide the necessary equipment, such as an analogue-digital interface, sound cards and computers required for remote streaming. Your events will be successful thanks to our high-quality virtual interpretation solutions.

Request an Interpretation Quote

For an interpretation quote, please provide


Contact information (Phone and/or Email)*

Date of your event

Location of your event


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On-site interpretation can be augmented with virtual interpretation for hybrid events. The hybrid option allows attendees who cannot attend in person to use remote streaming to participate as virtual participants. The interpretation function may also be streamed to allow all participants to use the interpretation functions.

Remote virtual interpreting, video conference interpreting (VCI), tele-interpreting, and hybrid interpretation are services offered by Joseph Blain Inc. as part of our ongoing commitment to keep up with our clients' translation needs in a constantly changing world.

Contact us now to discuss your needs for video remote interpretation services in Montreal.

Hybrid Interpretation

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Need an interpreter for a video seminar?

Our professionals are equipped and trained to deliver quality interpretation

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